Increase Site Traffic and Brand Awareness with Remessaging

Last year some good friends of mine decided it was time to get married; he proposed, she accepted, and the wedding planning ensued. They set the date, and the place – Las Vegas. I was ecstatic.

Naturally, the deal-finder that I am, I started searching around for hotels and airfare that fit my budget. I was told the wedding would be in Vegas months in advance, which made the searching even more scrupulous as I became the elusive procrastinator, telling myself that the prices would continue to drop (see if you’re interested in travel pricing trends).

After my initial searches, I became aware of certain hotel ads appearing on my favorite sites. One day, it’d be the Mirage, the next day the Wynn – all offering deals directly to me based on my prior research on their site. I had been the target of a very well-defined remessaging campaign.

Remessaging is one of the programs in our Microsoft Media Network, and is basically a way to communicate with potential customers that have visited your site within a given period of time. This advertising solution is all about reaching this particular audience of people with a targeted opportunity: when that potential customer visits your site, and then roams any site in the Microsoft Media Network, they can be remessaged with an ad specifically designed for them.

So, why does remessaging make sense? If you think of all the different ways you are currently engaging with your audience, display advertising is the simplest way to increase the visibility of your brand to the audience it gels with most. Research performed in this space show that display advertising is very effective at long-term brand building and, of those available methods, remessaging offers the highest performance.


*Source: comScore, “When Money Moves to Digital, Where Should it Go?” September 2010

In the end, the remessaging worked. The Mirage offered me a deal even I could not refuse, and I booked guilt-free. The wedding was beautiful, and I didn’t break the bank to spend a wonderful weekend in good company.

Remessaging can be a key component for an online advertising budget because you can effectively market to people who have already engaged with your site and brand. Maybe they weren’t ready to make a decision, or were in the browsing/deal-finding mode like I was; either way a simple and clear message stating an offer, your business’ value proposition, or reiterating your brand could effectively “convert” them to a long-time customer.

If this sounds like a solution fit for you, reach out to our sales team to learn more.

Best of luck!
